
alternative sections



GR 222


These pages are not substitute for the use of guidebooks and maps for the hikes.

______________________ To ensure you have a safe hike and enjoy the GR and its landscapes, use the Alpina maps and guides




Hiking maps for this stage


Refugi de Can Boi (Deià)- Refugi de Muleta (Port de Sóller)

Time: 3h 15min

Height: 220 m, 270 m

Degree of difficulty: medium




Cala de Deià


(2) Capella de Castelló

(3) Muleta Gran

Excerpt from the stage. This description isn't enough to find the right way. You will find a detailed description in the Alpina guidebooks and maps


From Can Boi go right uphill to the main road (5') where you turn left. 50 meters after the bus stop, leave the road going straight downhill. Pass a stile (5'), walk on the cobbled path, cross the road 3 times and go along it for 20m (15'). Turn right, go uphill and avoid all junctions until you reach the Ma-10 (15’). Turn left for 500m: At km. 60,2 turn right, climb the steps and walk uphill on the paved track. At the first turn off, keep straight ahead and, after 100m, leave the road and turn left.

This is the old footpath from Sóller to Deià, from the arab times (10 th. Century) and restored in many sections. You pass close by the houses of Son Coll and, 10' later, enter the wood. After some bends uphill, go through a gate and, few minutes later, pass a threshing floor on your left (30'). The path turns into a track that passes in front of the houses of Can Prohom and then becomes cobbled once more. You come to an important junction (5', on your left is the chapel of Castelló) as the footpaths to Sóller and Port de Sóllerdiverge here. To go to the Refugi de Muleta turn left until you reach the road that you follow to the left (towards Deià) for about 50 metres. At the first sharp bend an asphalted track leads off towards the restaurant ‘Bens d’Avall’, which you follow for 10'. Turn right at the first fork, leave the asphalt and turn off on the first track on the right. At the next crossroads take the track on the left. Crossing a majestic olive grove with hundred-year-old trees you reach a junction near the houses of Muleta Gran (15', straight on is the path to Sóller, the next stage). Take the track on the left that goes through a wall downhill. Near the coast, at the turn-off, goa short distance uphill to the right and come to the Muleta mountain hostel from behind (20')

(1) Can Prohom and Son Mico




Hiking maps for this stage


Refugi de Muleta- Port de Sóller- Sóller- Barranc de Biniaraix- L'Ofre- Cúber reservoir- Refugi de Tossals Verds

Time: 8h

Height: 970 m, 550 m

Degree of difficulty: medium-high





(1) Port de Sóller

(2) Sóller, the Barranc de Biniaraix and Puig de l'Ofre

(3) Biniaraix

(4), (5), (6) Barranc de Biniaraix

(8) Water channel between both reservoirs

(10) Water channel "Canaleta del Massanella"

(12) Cases Velles de Tossals and Puig de Massanella

Excerpt from the stage. This description isn't enough to find the right way. You will find a detailed description in the Alpina guidebooks and maps


Refugi de Muleta- Sóller (1h 30min): Take the GR (dir. Deià), go back to the junction near Muleta Gran (20') and turn left. Shortly afterwards, reach a 4-trail fork where you go straight ahead, turn right after a few meters and, after going round the houses of Muleta, take a footpath to the left and go through a gate. You pass between olive trees with fascinating shapes, go through another gate and go down to a small stream bed and pass a third gate. Go down an uneven cobbled path to the edge of the Port (40') Turn right following the stream bed and then, climb to go round a house. The footpath descends and, at the first crossroads (15'), you have to take the asphalted road to the left towards the Hotel Can Ai. When you reach the road to Deià (10'), turn left towards Sóller and its main square: Plaça de la Constitució (15')

Sóller- Cúber Stausee durch den Barranc de Biniaraix (4h 30min): Cross the Plaça de la Constitució towards Carrer de sa Lluna, which you follow for a few metres until the second street on the left (Carrer de la Victòria). Take it as far as the football ground, where you take the street on the right, by the stream bed. Before crossing the stream again, turn left on an asphalted street that you leave after a few metres, taking the street on the right. When you come to the junction, take the asphalted branch (Carrer de l’Ermita) for a few hundred metres until a sharp bend where you veer left taking a cobbled path that will lead you to Binibassí (the start of the alternative section E is to the left). Turn right to reach the road which you follow to the left for a few meters. Then take the first road to the right which brings you to Biniaraix and head left for the Barranc de Biniaraix: the terraces of olive trees, the stream bed and the cobblestones accompany you to the houses of L’Ofre that you reach in about 2 hours. The path ends at a gate, after which you turn left, go round the farm and come to the track that you go up on to the left. You soon leave it, taking a signposted path to the right and turning left after a few metres. Cross the track two times and reach the pass Coll de l’Ofre (30'). Take a footpath from the pass towards the Cúber reservoir, which ends up further down on the track. Beyond it, after a gate, the GR goes round the left of the reservoir (1h from the pass).

Cúber Stausee- Berghütte Refugi de Tossals Verds (2h): Before crossing the left gate to the car park, go straight ahead, cross a wall (start of the alt. section F) and an stile (3') and walk down to the road. Go to the right and follow the water channel. 40 minutes later, turn right, cross over the water channel and reach the pass (7’). Go down for about 5' until you come to the turn-off where you take the path on the right. Cross the stream two times and arrive to a wide pass (30'), from where you have two signposted options for Tossals Verds (40')

(7) Puig de l'Ofre (1093m)

From the top of L'Ofre: Cúber and Puig Major

(9) Gorg Blau reservoir

(11) Torrent des Prat and Es Pla

(13) Mountain hut Tossals Verds